The Society’s Summer Party was a double success. Not only was it a most enjoyable occasion, but it also raised almost £1,000 for the Society’s funds. This was due almost […]
The Society’s Summer Party was a double success. Not only was it a most enjoyable occasion, but it also raised almost £1,000 for the Society’s funds. This was due almost […]
A few announcements. First, thank you to all who came to our lovely summer party, the swift AGM and Dan Cohn-Sherbok’s fascinating lecture. Second, all the owners of winning raffle […]
The AGM on 2 July was followed by a splendidly informative talk, accessible yet based on sound scholarship, by Professor Dan Cohn-Sherbok on the Jews of Canterbury. He outlined how […]
Our well-attended 2024 AGM, held on 2 July 2024, heard reports of a busy year and of sound accounts, re-elected the current committee, elected Nicola Waddington and Gillian Rushton to […]
Held in the glorious grounds of St Augustine’s Abbey (thanks to English Heritage and their wonderful staff), the CCS annual summer party was a grand success. The Chair and Vice-chair […]