
Join Us

Joining the Canterbury Commemoration Society means you are linking up with a group of like-minded people committed to celebrating, preserving and spreading the word about the fantastic heritage of Canterbury and the surrounding district.

We offer two categories of membership:

  1. Individual membership, which brings (a) priority booking for our events, (b) regular newsletters, (c) a complimentary members' summer party, (d) an opportunity to stand for our executive, and (e) support for our mission to deliver projects commemorating Canterbury's people and places.
  2. Corporate sponsorship, which brings all of the above plus (a) prominence on our publicity, press-releases, website, and electronic mailings, (b) an opportunity to be a lead sponsor of one of our upcoming projects, and have your contribution permanently acknowledged, (c) benefits to your organisation through our promotion of Canterbury as a centre of heritage tourism, business and leisure activities.

Individual membership is £15 per annum.

Corporate sponsorship is £50 per annum.

Join us today!