The New Alluvia

The New Alluvia

The new Alluvia sculpture was installed on Thursday 12th of September, positioned on the bed of the river Stour near the Westgate bridge.

The LED-lit statue, created by the international artist Jason deCaires Taylor, replacing two previous works irreparably damaged by dredging, was be formally presented to the public and handed over to Canterbury City Council on Sunday 22 September 2024.

The shimmering underwater artwork is visually stunning and thought-provoking, referencing Shakespeare’s character Ophelia through parallels with Sir John Millais’s celebrated painting. It was fashioned from recycled glass and is fitted with sensors to measure the movement and health of the water flowing over it.

The title Alluvia refers to the alluvial deposits of sand left behind by the rise and fall of the river’s water levels. The figure’s posture responds to the river’s flow, reflecting both its ceaseless movement and the invisible barrier of water—like being trapped behind a window. As the river swells and recedes with the seasons, and as the light shifts, the sculpture transforms, first through the play of shadows and light, then gradually as reeds and algae form on and around it. This ebb and flow evoke a dialogue with memory, challenging how we grasp fragments of images and ideas, always fluid and elusive in their formation.” – Jason deCaires Taylor 

The work was curated by the Society and funded through the generosity of local businessmen Paul Abbott and Paul Roberts. An instant tourist attraction, it is sure to remain so for years to come, especially in summer months when the river flow is low and clear, and our perception of the sculpture changes with the seasons and the shifting patterns of light and shade.

The new Alluvia statue is just one of the society’s many projects to enhance our invaluable heritage and bring it to the attention of the wider world.

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